Friday, October 14, 2011

Fitness centers offer great opportunities to lose weight | Manifest ...

When a patient comes in for an initial consultation, one of the areas that I require information on is body image, ideal weight, and exercise as the mind body connection is an important part of my practice and mental health.

Many people who want to lose weight have tried many times before but have been unsuccessful. some people want to try hypnosis. ?Trying? implies failure and there is no magic way that I am going to control anyone?s eating habits.

I will help break the emotional negative conjunctions that are present and I will help patients with guilt or perceived loss or anger at something or someone in the present or past.

I will help patients with self-image and I will help them with faulty ideas they may have about being a failure or in any other areas that will help them achieve their goals.

There are things that you have to do. Learn to like yourself. Eat sensibly and exercise. Weight loss occurs when you burn more energy than you consume. Weight loss can come from cutting calories from your diet or burning them off through exercise or a combination of both. Most people chose a combination of diet and exercise.

Fitness and weight loss centers offer great benefits to those who want to lose weight. not all fitness/ weight loss centers are alike and not all of them offer the same benefits or services. Before you choose find one that matches your personality and preferences.

I wanted to find out about the Poudre Valley Medical Fitness Center that opened December 1, 2010 in Windsor. I spoke to Fitness Supervisor Ryan Donovan and asked him a few questions about the center.

Here are some of his key points:

1. how is PVMFC different from other fitness centers in Windsor?

PVMFC is a medical fitness center focused on prevention and treatment of lifestyle related diseases, illness and injury through regular participation in physical activity, disease management and health education.

2. What age groups do you serve?

We serve all age groups and abilities levels. we offer programs and services tailored to those who have never been a member of a health/fitness facility and to experienced and advanced exercisers.

3. do you believe in the mind, body, and spirit connection as far as fitness?

Components of wellness include, physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental and spiritual wellbeing.

4. do you offer a no risk trial membership?

All of our memberships include a seven-day no risk trial period.

For more information on PVMFC, contact them at or call 970-674-6500.

Let me know what you think or ask me a question by e-mailing me at

Until next time light and blessings to you.

Tags: conjunctions, self image, weight loss


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